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Determine your Metabolic Type® and receive a diet customized for your own unique metabolism in just minutes — for only $49.95

But what about those free or complimentary “metabolic typing” tests or that so-called Nutritional Typing system you may have seen on the web?

Well, the truth is that they are simply NOT metabolic typing unless displaying our stamp of approval and utilizing our exclusive system! Your Metabolic Type® can only be determined using our methods.

Our online Metabolic Typing® Test is a complex computer program that prioritizes and weighs your answers to determine your Metabolic Type®. No lab tests, clinical testing, or questionnaire can do this other than our system. We are the only authentic source of Metabolic Typing® worldwide and we’ve been researching, developing and refining Metabolic Type® testing for over 35 years.

How it Works

After creating your own Metabolic Typing® account and entering your credit card (or a pass code if you have one) you will begin the assessment questionnaire. Allow about 30 minutes to finish it. The questions are not very difficult and are only about you. But if you need to take a break before you are done you can return and finish at your convenience without being charged again.

What You Get

When you are done, everything listed below will be immediately available for you to Print and Save. You will also be able to visit this site again for up to 6 months to review your results should you need to.

  • Metabolic Type® Report — your personalized report describing the results of your own Metabolic Typing® Assessment. This report not only describes your personal Metabolic Type®, but also shows the relative balances between the various systems that determine your type of metabolism. This allows you to compare future test results and chart your progress as you achieve better health through improved metabolic balance. To see a sample report, click here.
  • Personalized Metabolic Type® Eating Plan — the heart of your Metabolic Typing® recommendations. Your 349 item food list details exactly the right foods for your specific Metabolic Type® and identifies all the foods you should avoid. To learn more and to view a sample of an individualized Eating Plan, click here.
  • Starter Meal Plans — to assist you in getting started right. Metabolic Typing® is unique because there is NO food weighing or measuring required! With our Starter Meal Plans, you will quickly learn how relative food proportions are what really matters. Learn why you do not need to weigh food quantities or count calories to lose weight or improve your health.
  • SUPPORT! — Complex questions requiring additional time may be referred to one of our more than 1,000 Certified Metabolic Typing® Advisors Worldwide who can act as your personal coach either in person, by phone or by email (consultation fees may apply).
  • Eating Right Guidelines — to ensure that you get the correct balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For over 30 years, Metabolic Typing® has demonstrated that it’s just as important to eat the right ratios of proteins, fats and carbs for your Metabolic Type®, as it is to eat the right foods for your Metabolic Type®. It makes all the difference in the world in correcting low energy, mood swings, cravings, and a desire for sweets or stimulants.
  • Shopping Guidelines — to take the guess work out of your weekly trip to the market. Learn how to properly choose fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy, and other healthy foods for your Metabolic Type®, and how to avoid deceptively labeled and cleverly disguised poor quality foods. Proper nutrition for your Metabolic Type® begins at the market.
  • Cooking Guidelines — Improper cooking methods can greatly reduce the nutritional content of your foods, and even make normally healthful foods quite unhealthy. These instructions will help insure that you do not make common food preparation mistakes nearly everyone makes that often undermine good health. Healthy food can even become dangerous if cooked wrong. Learn what’s right.
  • Cooking Whole Grains Tutorial — Whole grains are always more nutritious and healthful than processed grains, but most people do not know what they are or how to prepare them. Use these simple instructions to learn how to properly select, prepare and cook whole grains, including many you probably didn’t even know existed! The world of whole grains offers fun and healthful exploration that can begin with this tutorial.
  • Cooking with Fats & Oils Tutorial — Yes, you can have fats and oils in your diet!! In fact, they are critical for all Metabolic Types® – but only if utilized correctly. Learn which ones become unhealthy when heated, which can tolerate high heat, which need to be refrigerated or remain unharmed by storage at room temperature, and which ones nearly everyone uses that are unhealthy for all.
© 1987-2025 Healthexcel. All rights reserved.
Metabolic Type® and Metabolic Typing® are Registered Trademarks of Healthexcel.
Metabolic Typing® technology usage licensed from Healthexcel.