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Frequently Asked Questions

Q.Why should I pay for using your online questionnaire when free questionnaires are available on other websites?A.First and foremost, you want to be sure to use the “real” Metabolic Typing®. Second, those short (often 9 questions long) tests DO NOT determine your actual Metabolic Type®. We know because we designed those tests. They do not have a high degree of accuracy or reliability and they only provide a means of identifying the 3 most basic, broad and general categories of Metabolic Typing®. They absolutely do not tell you your actual Metabolic Type®, no matter what is advertised. Just because someone says that they offer "Metabolic Typing®," that doesn’t mean it is the real thing. The services available through are based on The Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing®, and reflect continuous research and clinical experience since 1975. Healthexcel is the originator and its founder, William L. Wolcott, is recognized as the world’s leading authority on Metabolic Typing®. His book, The Metabolic Typing® Diet (Doubleday, 2000) is the authoritative, definitive work on Metabolic Typing®. Healthexcel also provides training and certification in Metabolic Typing® for health professionals through the Metabolic Typing® Education Center (USA and United Kingdom). Should you for some reason try a different system of Metabolic Typing® and don’t get the results you expected, please don’t give up on Metabolic Typing®. Remember: it works, if it is used properly.
Q.How can I be sure this isn't just another diet fad?A.Truth is that which lasts longest. The reason that fad diets don’t last is that they simply are not “true” -- meaning that they do not match up with reality. The idea that there is one diet right for everyone is false. There never has been and there never will be such a thing. This is why in the past 300 years, literally thousands of books have been written on the subject, but there has never been one diet that worked for everyone. The idea of different constitutions and that it is necessary to treat the person that has the disease and not the disease that has the person can be traced to antiquity. It was the basis of every known ancient system of medicine: Ayurveda, Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, etc. The reality is that as individuals we are as unique on a biochemical level as we are in our fingerprints. This is known as biochemical individuality. Just as our genes define our uniqueness in terms of how we look -- height, weight, color of hair, skin, eyes, facial features, etc., they also define our nutritional requirements -- the foods that are right, and wrong, for us. Because Metabolic Typing® reveals each individual’s genetically-based requirements for nutrition, it will be around for a long, long time.
Q.What proof is there that Metabolic Types® actually exist?A.This can be answered in a number of ways: One of the most intriguing and astonishing “arguments” in favor of the idea of Metabolic Typing® comes from the research of Dr. Weston Price. In the 1930’s, he traveled all over the world, studying the health and nutrition of 14 different indigenous cultures, untouched at that time by modern society. Each of the cultures exhibited amazing good health, yet the diet of each culture was totally different from the other cultures in different parts of the world. Some were high in protein and fat, some were not. Some were high in carbohydrate, and others were not. Some employed dairy products, while in other cultures dairy was non-existent. And so on. Illness was infrequent and when it occurred, it was usually from viral or bacterial infections. None of the 14 cultures suffered from the degenerative diseases so prevalent in our modern society today  cancer, heart disease, diabetes, chronic fatigue, arthritis, etc. Yet, when members of a culture left and assumed the diet of a different culture, they began to exhibit the same degenerative conditions we are all too familiar with today. Beyond Price’s work, we can turn to the 35+ years of experience with Metabolic Typing®, used with over 100,000 people, showing its remarkable capacity to reverse degenerative conditions by employing totally opposite biochemical protocols on different Metabolic Types® suffering from the same condition. For example, time and time again, we have seen someone of a given Metabolic Type®, who has high cholesterol, lower it on a low protein, low fat, high carb diet, yet someone of a different Metabolic Type® lowers their cholesterol by eating just the opposite - a high protein, high fat, low carbohydrate diet.
Q.How can I know that your system actually works?A.First, think logically about the situation. In 300 years, there has never been one diet that worked for everyone. Second, observe the world around you: Different cultures, different geographical locations and climates, different foods, different kinds of people with different kinds of metabolisms. Notice too, the different body types – some tall, some short, some heavy, some lean. People have different appetites. You’ll notice that some have strong appetites and are always hungry, while others have small appetites, are rarely hungry, eat light meals, or even skip meals and they do just fine. Some people can eat often and eat a lot and not gain weight, while others seem to gain weight while just walking through the kitchen. Everyone knows that what works for one person can have little impact on another person and even make a third person worse. It’s commonly experienced that what might make you healthy, fit and trim can make your best friend gain weight and lose energy, or vice versa. Such differences can even be observed within the same family, where one sibling might be overweight, hungry all the time and lethargic, and the other is skinny and hyperactive. The differences that exist and that define each of us as individuals are expressed on every level: external physical characteristics; mental, emotional, behavioral, attitudinal, and personality traits; size, placement and shape of our internal organs and glands; rates of our cellular metabolisms. So, if we are unique from one another on every level, why would anyone think for even a moment that one diet would be right for everyone? Finally, fads, the “latest and greatest,” the next new thing to come down the pike, are all momentary blips on the radar screen. But Metabolic Typing® is different. It has already been around for 35+ years and it is steadily growing, not fading. How? By word of mouth, not through hype or media advertising. People usually hear about Metabolic Typing® from those who have tried it themselves and found benefit. Today, practitioners in 14 countries have been trained in Metabolic Typing® and more are being certified every month. Metabolic Typing® has already outgrown the fad stage and has stood the test of time. It is an idea whose time has come and it will be around for a long time.
Q.How can a questionnaire possibly determine what type of metabolism I have?A.A Metabolic Type® is the inherited pattern of genetically-based strengths and weaknesses in the body’s fundamental homeostatic control system. Although tens of thousands of chemical reactions take place in your body daily, they are all regulated by just a handful of control systems, such as the Autonomic Nervous System, the Endocrine System, the Oxidation Rate, etc. These inherited strengths and weaknesses express themselves in different ways in each person and they help to define our uniqueness as individuals. For example, one person may have strong digestion, but a weak heart. Another may have a strong heart, but weak eyesight. Someone else may have high motivation and a Type A personality, while another might be lethargic and have a Type B personality. Correlations have been made between numerous physical, diet-related and psychological characteristics and the body’s fundamental control systems. Although it may be said that there are as many Metabolic Types® as there are individuals, it is also true that all the characteristics fall into certain patterns or “constellations” that can be classified as the different Metabolic Types®. To date, no lab test has been found to do a better job of this “pattern recognition” than the Metabolic Typing® Questionnaire developed by Healthexcel.
Q.Wouldn't lab tests be better than a questionnaire?A.No. Metabolic Typing® involves pattern recognition of what might be called the “overall metabolic style of functioning.” It is determining the understanding of each individual’s metabolism as a whole functioning unit. There are no lab tests that can provide this perspective. In analogous terms, Metabolic Typing® may be likened to obtaining information and understanding about….say, a 3 story house, through a blueprint of the entire house and all of its rooms. Using a lab test, because it involves one specific part or level of the body, would be like trying to understand the entire house through a blueprint of the kitchen (or any other single room in the house).
Q.Where can I get some help in understanding my questionnaire results?A.Practitioners in 14 countries to date, have been trained and certified in The Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing®. They can answer all of your questions and act as your Metabolic Typing® Coach to assist you with your program. For a current list of Metabolic Typing® Advisors, click the “Get Help” link at or go directly to
Q.Isn't eating the right diet enough? Do I really need the supplements?A.Sadly, we believe the answer to the first part of this question is a strong and definite “No.” If this question had been asked 100 years ago, then yes, it likely would have been possible to get all that you needed from your food alone. Unfortunately, the latest research has found that over 80% of the nutrient content once found in our food supply is no longer there because soils are so depleted from decades of continuous farming on the same land. Astonishingly, this includes organic foods too! So even if you were to eat only organic foods, you still would not be able to obtain the nutrients that used to be a natural part of our foods. When you consider the severe nutrient depletion of our food supply, coupled with our high stress levels and the numerous toxins in our environment (air, food, and water), the answer to the second part of your question is a resounding “Yes!”
Q.Why should I take your supplements instead of just using a good multi-vitamin?A.Unfortunately, there are a lot of fallacies, lack of information, and misunderstandings when it comes to nutrition, particularly regarding nutritional supplementation. One of the greatest misconceptions is that taking any multi-vitamin supplement will work, because the body will take what it needs and discard the rest. Nothing could be further from the truth! Such statements are made by those who are totally lacking an understanding about nutrition in general, and about Metabolic Typing® in particular. The biochemical reality is that vitamins and minerals have very specific and potent stimulatory or inhibitory effects on the body’s fundamental homeostatic control systems. What is vitally necessary is to take supplements that are specifically designed to support and help balance your individual body chemistry. Conversely, a general, broad-spectrum, multiple vitamin will contain some nutrients that will balance your body chemistry, but will also contain other nutrients that will actually push your chemistry even further out of balance. Read more about this subject at
Q.Why should I pay for using your online questionnaire when free questionnaires are available in books and on other websites?A.First and foremost, you want to be sure to use the “real” Metabolic Typing®. Healthexcel has been researching and developing the field of Metabolic Typing® for over 35 years. Metabolic Typing® absolutely, positively works, IF it is done properly. Metabolic Typing® is growing in popularity and acceptance. As is always the case with anything new that holds promise for profit, there are those whose primary desire is to take advantage of the financial opportunity. Many have already “jumped on the band-wagon,” and you can be sure that there will be a lot more in the future. But as you might well imagine, just because someone says that they do “Metabolic Typing®,” doesn’t mean that it is the real thing. The services available through are based on The Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing®, which is based on over 35 years of research and clinical experience. Healthexcel is the originator, and its founder, William L. Wolcott, is recognized as the world’s leading authority on Metabolic Typing®. His book, The Metabolic Typing® Diet (Doubleday, 2000) is the authoritative, definitive work on Metabolic Typing®. Healthexcel also provides training and certification in Metabolic Typing® for health professionals through the Metabolic Typing® Education Center (USA and United Kingdom). Should you, for some reason, try a different system of Metabolic Typing® and you don’t get the results you expected, please don’t give up on Metabolic Typing®. Remember: it works, if it is used properly.
Q.Why should I pay for using your online questionnaire when a free questionnaire is available in your book?A.The Metabolic Typing® Diet (Doubleday, 2000) was written as an introduction to Metabolic Typing® for the general public. As such, it provides an informative explanation of the science in easy to understand language and it answers a lot of questions about Metabolic Typing®. It also provides a means of identifying the 3 most basic, broad and general categories of Metabolic Typing®. However, it was not possible to hone in on the details of metabolic individuality or address specific health complaints through a book questionnaire. In contrast, the online questionnaire at with the help of computer analysis is much better able to assess and address the needs of an individual’s Metabolic Type®. The specific control systems can be analyzed and a much more specific and highly individualized diet and supplement program can be recommended.
Q.How soon can I expect to see results if I follow your program?A.Some people have reported that even after eating their very first meal customized for their Metabolic Type®, they noticed an improvement in energy, well-being, and a dramatic lessening of sweet cravings. But the real answer is that it depends on individual considerations – the extent and the number of imbalances, how long the problems have been present, other lifestyle factors, how closely recommendations are followed, etc. Improvement of some kind should be noticed very soon after starting your Metabolic Type® Program. How much improvement in a given time period will depend on individual circumstances.
Q.Why haven't I heard of this program before?A.There was very little effort during the research and development phase to “tell the world” about Metabolic Typing®. Until recently, Metabolic Typing® has been spread by word-of-mouth only. But now that most of the work has been done and the benefits of Metabolic Typing® have become clear, unmistakable and irrefutable, efforts are being taken to make it better known.
Q.How are the foods selected for my food list? A.The basis for your Metabolic Type™ Diet lies in the Autonomic and Oxidative influences. Foods (and nutrients) have specific stimulatory/inhibitory and acidifying/alkalinizing effects on the body that directly influence these control systems. The foods in your diet plan, then, are selected based upon your Dominant system. For example, if you happen to be a Sympathetic Dominant Metabolic Type™, your diet plan would contain those foods known to stimulate and support your (weaker) Parasympathetic System and would not contain those foods believed to stimulate your already strong Sympathetic System. The presence of imbalances in other FHC’s may require additional refinements in the diet, calling for restrictions of a few selected foods.
Q.Can you explain how the foods on my list push me in the right direction? Are there some foods that are more important than other foods for me to eat on my list? A.The purpose of our programs is to build health. So, your recommended foods (and supplements) are intended to strengthen and support the “weak side” of your FHC’s. For example, if you’re a Fast Oxidizer, your program will slow down (balance) your oxidation rate. If you're Parasympathetic, it’ll strengthen your Sympathetic side. If you’re Catabolic, your program will support Anabolic processes. This same principle applies to the imbalances in each FHC. Rather than suppress your strengths, which is what drug therapy often does, Metabolic Typing™ seeks to strengthen your weaknesses, effectively bringing them into balance with your existing strengths.
Q.Will I see positive results right away when I start eating the right foods for me? A.In most cases, yes. But the changes may not be what you expect. For example, you may suffer from low energy. After starting the program, you may notice some improvement right away, but not total resolution. On the other hand, at first you may just notice that your skin clears up and your hair grows faster and has become more lustrous. Complete resolution to your original problem may take a little longer because certain organs and glands may need to rebuild and rejuvenate, something that takes a little more time to accomplish. Generally speaking, the longer a problem has been present, the longer it takes to correct. So think more in terms of short term and long term benefits. Short term expect to see an improvement in appetite, less cravings and desire for junk foods, more energy and improved sense of well-being. Long term look for steady reversal of more chronic problems.
Q.I find the foods on my Eating Guidelines foods list limiting and boring. Is there any way around this? A.All of the foods in your diet essentially have the same effect on your metabolism. They all “push” your chemistry in the same biochemical “direction.” For instance, if you're a Fast Oxidizer, all of your Recommended Foods help slow down (balance) your oxidation rate, shifting your acid metabolism in an alkaline direction (toward balance). Any foods not on your diet will actually have the opposite effect, biochemically speaking. They'll acidify your chemistry, which would only push your chemistry deeper into your acid imbalance. However, the closer your metabolism moves towards balance, the less strict you will need to be in eating only the foods listed in your Diet Plan. Discuss this concept with your Advisor for more details and before doing it on your own.
Q.I am a Fast Oxidizer. Why is it that there are foods that I love that are not on my list? I am not talking about sugary, processed foods, but foods such as salads and broccoli that are so high in good nutrients. A.All foods have either an acidifying or an alkalinizing effect on body chemistry. Each of the Metabolic Types™ has a tendency to be either too acid or too alkaline. Fast Oxidizers and Sympathetics are acidic (although for different biochemical reasons), while Parasympathetics and Slow Oxidizers are alkaline. The foods on the diet for Fast Oxidizers push their chemistry alkaline. Any foods not on the diet have the reverse effect, pushing their chemistry more acid, an undesirable consequence for the already too acidic Fast Oxidizer metabolism.
Q.I am a Slow Oxidizer and protein does not appeal to me at all. I would be very happy living on fruits, vegetables and grains all the time. Can you tell me anything that may help me desire to eat more protein? A.Here’s the biochemical facts of life: In order to be healthy and function efficiently, the human body must acquire the right balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates at every meal. Fruits, vegetables and grains are primarily carbohydrates and thus when eaten alone, normally can’t provide the body with all that it needs. Every body has an ideal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (macro nutrients) that it does best on when consumed at each meal. For some people, this may mean very high protein; for others, the ideal may mean very low protein. Remember that the recommended percentages are only starting points. From there, you must work closely with your Advisor and the tools provided in your program (your Fine-Tuning Guidelines and your Diet Check Record Sheet) to discover exactly what your body needs at each meal. The best news is that when you find the right balance of macro nutrients for your body, it will feel “just right” to you because it will optimize your energy, eliminate food and sugar cravings, normalize your appetite and maximize your well-being. You’ll begin to love – and want – the foods that make you feel so well.
Q.What happens when I eat the foods that are not on my food list? A.All the foods on your Eating Guidelines list do the same thing, that is, they all “push” your chemistry in the same “direction,” biochemically speaking. Any food not included in your list will push your chemistry in the opposite (wrong) direction.
Q.I am trying to monitor what I eat at each meal and see how I feel after the meal. It is very frustrating to me that on some days, I can eat the very same meal and one day I will feel fine and on another day I will feel tired and hungry. How do you explain this? A.First, be patient with yourself. It may take a little while to sort everything out. Your program provides you with the tools you need to find the answers, but they may not be as clear or as immediate as you thought they would be. When we say everyone is unique, that’s exactly what we mean. Some people have what we term a Variable Metabolism. This means that their metabolic patterns are not consistent, but actually vary. Some vary regularly; these we call Consistent Variable Metabolizers. Others don't follow a pattern and vary in an inconsistent fashion. These types are called Inconsistent Variable Metabolizers. The first thing to do is determine when this occurs. To do this, eat the same meal at the same time of day for a few days. Use your Eating Right guide to keep track of your symptoms. See if you really do vary at the same time each day when you eat the same foods. If you do, then start paying close attention to your “body language.” One way or the other, your body will give you clues when you shift. For example, one day you may be very hungry, while on the day that you react differently to the same food, you may have no appetite at all. In this way, you’ll begin to understand the ways in which your body is communicating its needs to you. Be sure and discuss this in detail with a Metabolic Typing™ Advisor if you have further questions.
Q.I’m a Slow Oxidizer and I’m still confused about my percentage of proteins, carbs and fats. First, fats are difficult because fats are found in most foods, particularly protein foods. And second, if I eat a lot of salad, since lettuce and raw veggies are not dense foods, my plate is full of veggies. I’m eating 90% salad with a meal but this couldn’t be right. Could you explain further about the food percentages? A.You’re thinking too much about this issue instead of letting your body be your guide. Your body knows best! Just start with an approximation of proteins and carbohydrates. Then use your Eating Right guide to determine (by what your body reveals) how good your choice is. If it doesn’t produce the desired results, eat the same foods at the same meal the next day, but change the ratios dramatically. After a few days of this, you’ll zero in on what is right for you. Then, follow the same process for each meal and snack. Concerning the fat intake, the naturally-occurring fats in your Recommended Foods are just fine. Use butter and oils, but minimize their amounts. Once you have your protein-to-carbohydrate ratio down, you can then experiment with fats (adding/subtracting) to see if you can optimize your results even more.
Q.I am craving sugar after dinner. I am very careful to eat foods from my Recommended Food list. I am also trying different ratios, but the cravings just won’t go away. I will say though, that I have more energy and I go longer without getting hungry in between meals. Could it be that this after dinner craving is natural? A.No cravings are natural when they occur after eating, except that they are a “natural” signal from your body that you’re not eating the right ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The biggest mistake that people make is not being extreme enough in their trial and error. Remember, with metabolic individuality, anything is possible. You may need a whole lot more protein – or carbohydrate – at that meal than you imagine. Be bold. Drop any preconceived notions you may have and trust your body to tell you whether or not you’re getting the right amount.
Q.I am Slow Dominant and I find that the list of meats is very short. I don’t care for fish, so I feel that all I eat is chicken breast. Can I eat a little meat or lamb sometimes? A.Yes, you can if you must. But be careful. Remember that those foods will push your chemistry in the opposite direction than you want to go. A little of those foods from time to time is usually okay, but bear in mind that the effects of nutrition are cumulative.
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Metabolic Type® and Metabolic Typing® are Registered Trademarks of Healthexcel.
Metabolic Typing® technology usage licensed from Healthexcel.