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The Metabolic Type® Eating Plan

At the heart of your Metabolic Typing® Program is your Eating Plan , a one page, color-coded, easy-to-read list of all the foods that are right -- and wrong -- for your Metabolic Type®. Not all proteins, or carbs, or fats are equal. That's why a diet that works for you can make your friend, or spouse, or sibling fat and unhealthy. The result of your Metabolic Typing® Assessment will provide you with an Eating Plan that identifies all the right foods for your Metabolic Type® in Green, all Neutral foods in Black, all Caution foods in Italics, and all Avoid foods in Red. Your Eating Plan is conveniently laid out in a chart on one page, allowing you to tape it to your refrigerator for easy access at mealtimes, or carry a folded copy in your pocket or purse when you go to the grocery store. Food is truly the foundation of your good health and well-being. Your Eating Plan makes putting it into action simple, quick, and easy.

Should you select one of more than 40 most frequently diagnosed chronic health problems that are listed at the beginning of the questionnaire, foods that have been demonstrated to have an effect on that condition will be factored into your Eating Plan accordingly. This way you will not only be addressing your specific Metabolic Type® , but applying proven dietary knowledge specific to your unique health concerns.

Sample Eating Plan
(shown approximately 50% of actual size)
Click here to print a full sized version of this sample Eating Plan.

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Metabolic Type® and Metabolic Typing® are Registered Trademarks of Healthexcel.
Metabolic Typing® technology usage licensed from Healthexcel.