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If you have questions about Metabolic Typing® or need help regarding your Metabolic Typing® program, you can contact a trained, Certified Metabolic Typing® Advisor in The Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing®. Consultation fees may apply.

More extensive Metabolic Typing® evaluations are also available exclusively through certified Metabolic Typing® Advisors. Healthexcel's Advanced and Comprehensive Metabolic Typing® Programs address deeper levels of metabolic individuality and are appropriate for those with diagnosed degenerative conditions or those wishing to optimize health or develop peak performance.

There are hundreds of Certified MT Advisors in many countries in the world! Find MT Advisors near you and read their personal information pages at

NOTE: You do not need to see a MT Advisor in person. Consulting regarding your Metabolic Typing® Program can be done effectively via phone and email. The choice is yours!

Do I Need A Metabolic Typing® Advisor?
Increased energy, no more sweet cravings, a sense of joy and emotional well-being, a normal appetite, these are all commonly reported results of eating right for your Metabolic Type® that often can occur quite quickly. Your MT Advisor can help you achieve optimal results as soon as possible. There are many more good reasons why you should consider working with a Metabolic Typing® Advisor. Here are a few:
  • First and foremost, right understanding is absolutely necessary if you are going to stick with your program. When you start to eat right for your Metabolic Type®, a lot of wonderful things can begin to happen. This process naturally leads to questions and it is very important that you have access to answers. The only source for information regarding the process of working with your Metabolic Type® is a trained and certified Metabolic Typing® Advisor.
  • MT Advisors can help you understand the technical information provided in your reports.
  • MT Advisors are available to you for a minimal fee, on a daily basis if needed, to provide information, guidance, coaching and emotional support as you go along.
  • MT Advisors can help you learn to understand your own “body language” so you can fine-tune your macronutrient ratios at meals and snacks to your specific individual requirements. Eating the right ratios of proteins, fats and carbs at each meal is vital to the success of your program. The right ratios can vary from meal to meal, even for people who are of the same Metabolic Type®.
  • MT Advisors, because they follow their own Metabolic Type® Diets, know what it takes to be successful. They can be your very own personal success coach and help you keep going if the going gets tough or if ever you should feel discouraged. MT Advisors can help you set reasonable and easily attainable goals that work for your lifestyle and help you transition to your Metabolic Type® Diet.
  • MT Advisors can educate you about nutritional supplements: how to use them properly, which ones are right and wrong for your Metabolic Type®, how to recognize good supplements and how to stay away from bad ones.
  • MT Advisors can help you find the best high quality organic and grass fed foods, small farmer’s markets, and organic co-ops in your local area as well as to identify the best mail order sources for high quality foods.
  • MT Advisors can direct you to further educational reading material worthwhile to your health and well-being and suggest support groups and organizations that may help you.
  • MT Advisors, most importantly, can monitor your individual nutritional needs as they change, adjust your program when necessary, identify when a retest is needed, provide more extensive testing and help you to achieve the results you’re looking for as quickly and as easily as possible.

No matter what your lifestyle, whether you work around the clock, have small children, travel regularly or just have a stressed life, your MT Advisor can help you strategize a plan to keep your MT Program on track. MT Advisors are there for you.

Find a Metabolic Typing® Advisor at

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Metabolic Type® and Metabolic Typing® are Registered Trademarks of Healthexcel.
Metabolic Typing® technology usage licensed from Healthexcel.